
Cerecon Engineering undertook a comprehensive inspection and structural analysis of Chimney Number 1, a heritage listed masonry structure situated at the Hoffman Brickworks site in Brunswick. This chimney, believed to be over a century old, consists of an inner skin, outer skin, and diaphragm walls connecting the two skins. Cerecon’s inspection encompassed an assessment of…

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Cerecon Engineering was engaged to design the system to enable relocation of the Mont Albert station building, a heritage structure over a century old. Our role encompassed designing both permanent and temporary works to achieve this intricate task while retaining the building’s historical integrity. Our initial focus involved designing temporary works that would facilitate the…

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Multi Unit Development – 2263-2267 Dandenong Rd, Mulgrave Cerecon played a central part in the design of the multi-level social housing development, as part of the State Government’s Victorian Big Housing to provide safe short and long-term public and community housing and support for Victorians experiencing crisis. Cerecon’s scope involved the design and documentation of…

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