November 3, 2023 / Projects

Brickworks – Chimney Assessment

Brickworks – Chimney Assessment

Cerecon Engineering undertook a comprehensive inspection and structural analysis of Chimney Number 1, a heritage listed masonry structure situated at the Hoffman Brickworks site in Brunswick. This chimney, believed to be over a century old, consists of an inner skin, outer skin, and diaphragm walls connecting the two skins.

Cerecon’s inspection encompassed an assessment of the structure’s condition and its structural soundness. Through the integration of drone data capture, we harnessed the power of aerial imagery, enabling the compilation of a virtual photogrammetry model. This model presented an accurate representation of the chimney’s physical attributes, offering a unique platform for in-depth defect identification.

Our virtual photogrammetry model enabled us to label and display defects across the structure. This method provided a visual and precise means of pinpointing and understanding the issues present. Notable among the identified defects were the substantial hole in the inner skin and the deteriorated state of the upper sections, evidenced by missing/loose bricks and cracks.

We harnessed a comprehensive finite element model to delve into the structure’s performance under wind, gravity and earthquake loads. This model factored in all openings within the chimney, including the hole in the inner skin and base openings. The analysis highlighted areas where tensile stresses surpassed allowable limits per the masonry Australian

Drawing on these insights, Cerecon presented actionable recommendations to ensure the chimney’s safety. These suggestions encompassed repair strategies and additional investigative steps to maintain short-term structural viability. As these recommendations are executed and finite element modelling assumptions validated, potential further actions will align the structure with contemporary standards, securing its longevity.

Cerecon Engineering’s assessment of Chimney Number 1 demonstrates our innovative approach to structural analysis. By combining traditional inspection methodologies with drone data capture and virtual modelling, we provide a holistic understanding of the structure’s condition. This project underscores our dedication to preserving heritage while leveraging cutting-edge tools to enhance safety and compliance.